Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interview with Steven Smith

Steven Smith interview

By: Nattalie Tehrani Hey how’s it going Steven?
Steven Smith:It’s going great, what’re you doing, where are you? Nothing much, just sitting here. I just wanted to take tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time out to do this. It means a lot!
Steven Smith:No, it means a lot to me that you’re doing this. I mean look at you, you’re interviewing Gerard! Wow! Ha! Oh man! What made you want to become a broadcaster? How did you start off?
Steven Smith:It’s actually very funny, I was going to be a director for theatre because I went to school for it. And then I ended up in LA working as an actor, and I was terrible at it. Really bad actor. I never really figured what I was doing, what I wanted to do…you know your quote on quote, type. I met this girl who was a host and I said I could do that. So I went to an agent and lied to them and said I had a lot of experience and they sent me out on an audition and I got it. The next day I was interviewing Fat Boy Slim. ,No way!
Steven Smith:He was a lot of fun, and he said it was great interview and said it was a lot of fun. I told him it was my first one, and he said, “What?!” So I made a career change and I auditioned for years and years until I got the job at other video channels. And I came over here. It’s funny that you say that because I’m doing this acting thing as well, and it’s just not working out. So I decided journalism is my thing, you know.
Steven Smith:Yeah it’s fun, you can be yourself, you don’t have to pretend to be anybody. Exactly! Did you always know you want to be a music broadcaster, was it always on the back of your mind, thinking that just maybe you could be one, someday?
Steven Smith:The funny thing is, I think I did. Back in high school we had this lip syncing contest, you know being in a theatre and all that crap. The chick that put on the lip sync contest, was like, I want you to MC it. And I had a lot of fun. After that a radio station asked me to be a DJ and then I got kicked off for sabotaging they’re pop star cd’s. It was pretty funny. They tried to kick me off for a year and then they asked me to come back. Which was nice. Music has so many different meanings to people around the world, so what makes it so special to you? What personal meaning does it have for you?
Steven Smith:By the way your questions rule! Thank you!
Steven Smith:The whole key to interviewing anyone, and I’m terrible at this, is keeping your questions short and sweet like a handshake. Because if you put too many they get confused. They always ask, “What was the first part of that question?” I’ve had that happen to me before.
Steven Smith:People pull that all the time. I’m going to become one of them because after complementing you I can’t remember what the question was. The question was music has so many different meanings to people around the world, so what makes it so special to you?
Steven Smith:I think for me, music for me is church. I’m not religious by any stretch, I don’t believe in anything that is manufactured by man. I like the stories, but I think music is the obvious extrapolation. I get more out of going to a rock concert than I ever did going to a religious ceremony. Religion saves people, but that’s what music does for me. That’s what I like. And if you think about it, religion I suppose in a sense brings people together, as does music. It’s a religion on it’s own.
Steven Smith:Yeah it’s multicultural. In fact, I think wrestling is the ultimate religion. Hey why not!
Steven Smith:I’ve been to matches, and it’s everybody from every minority all hanging, cheering for the same thing. They know it’s not real, but they like it anyway. Exactly, and it’s entertaining at the same time.
Steven Smith:I mean…people fall, come on. You have interviewed so many bands in your lifetime and had conversations with so many people…what are some significant things have you learned from all these conversations?
Steven Smith:That’s a really good question. And you’ve interviewed so many bands too. Um, that’s a really good one. Let me think about that one for a sec. I think, one that’s popping in my head right now is Nick Jones, he was in the Clash. I was shaking because you know, this is Nick Jones from The Clash. Carson Daily had a question years ago, and I like it so much that I just ripped it off. When I was interviewing people from the older punk movement like The Ramones and Nick Jones from The Clash, Bad Brain, Henry Rollins, Bad Religion. I would say, “ For someone who wasn’t around in that time, what did I miss?” That’s a great question.
Steven Smith:Nick Jones said, “People made it into a bigger deal than it was.” I think that’s great, I really like that answer. Too them, they were just playing shows. They didn’t weren’t trying to change the planet. Because they worked, they did. Exactly, in that time I’m sure they weren’t even thinking that in 20 years time, people will worship what they did.
Steven Smith:No, all they wanted to do was worship the Ramones. They worshiped the Ramones. The Ramones was the only band they thought was better than The Clash. That is such a good question too. I interviewed The Dead Kennedys and I didn’t even know how to start with writing out the questions.
Steven Smith:Who did you do the interview with? East Bay Ray.
Steven Smith:Oh you did! Yeah, I didn’t even know where to begin. I was like, “what should I ask you, you’ve been asked everything.”
Steven Smith:Is Ray quitting or is Jimmy quitting? Jimmy is quitting.
Steven Smith:And is D. H. still in the band? I’m actually not sure.
Steven Smith:I used to hang out with D.H. in LA. Yeah, if all the original members quit then it would just become a cover band.
Steven Smith:Yeah, it becomes like The Misfits. I don’t even know what they’re doing right now. You know so much about the music industry, I mean Rock 101 is always my favorite lesson to learn- so on average how many hours would you say you spend researching music?
Steven Smith:We’re bringing that back because we missed it due to all the summer festivals. We will go back to our original format of viewer mail everyday and Rock 101. We had a big meeting about it because Warped kicked our ass. Yeah, summertime there are too many festivals to cover. average how many hours would you say you spend researching music?
Steven Smith:You know, not that many actually. I do it very passively. I never thought about it as research. I used to devour the music magazines. I don’t so much anymore because I find that a lot of them don’t talk about music. I think the best way to learn about any band is by word of mouth or seeing them at a show. Warped is my favorite festival because I always discover a band that I have never seen and think “OMG, that band is amazing.” Warped has never failed me. I discovered River Boat Gamblers, this year I discovered Gogol Bordello, I saw a band called 30!H3. Have you heard of them? No, I’ve heard of their name but I’ve never seen them live.
Steven Smith:It was ridiculous. One of the greatest performances. The first Warped tour I went to was in 96. and it was where I first saw Rocket From the Crypt and they changed my life so I got a tattoo of them on my arm. When you go to these festivals do you make a point to try and interview more or try and watch the shows and do the interviews when you go back to fuse so you can watch shows.
Steven Smith:We never get to see anybody play. Ever. We’re on the job, we’re working and our job is to promote these bands and get out interviews. We’re there to give people an inside track of what it is to be in a band and be on a tour. And that’s warped tour. I was just at lollapalooza and I saw nobody. Aw, man that must have sucked. Last month I did interviews from 12 to 5 so you don’t really get a chance to go walk around, it’s all interviews.
Steven Smith:That’s the gig, that’s what’s in it for you! And hell, who’s complaining. I love it!
Steven Smith:Notoriously, the band you want to interview the least will be scheduled for when your favorite band is onstage. Ugh, that burns!
Steven Smith:It was awful.
Hey it’s me! We have the rock show playing in the background and I’m staring, just reminiscing. I interviewed Ville Valo and Gerard Way recently and it was huge for me because they are my heroes. When was the first time you interviewed your hero? Did you learn anything from them?
Steven Smith:Oh um, learning…well you try to learn something from every interview. Even if they’re a complete dipshit. At Lollapalooza I got to interview Love and Rockets. I remember I love Love and Rockets in high school and I saw them play and during the interview I was shaking the whole time. I felt the same way when I interviewed Rocket from the Crypt. There was another one with The Cure, I interviewed Robert Smith and I was freaking out.
You always learn that 1 they’re just people and 2 they’re just people. Love and Rockets got into an argument during the interview and it was hysterical. It was because of a question I asked and I think it was just great. Oh man that must have been awesome to watch. I saw the interview with Rocket from the Crypt and you didn’t seem nervous at all! At all!
Steven Smith:Oh I was faking it really well because I worship that guy. I’ve been watching that guy play since 94’. It’s this guy that you might have posters up on your wall and he’s sitting right in front of you, it’s huge.
Steven Smith:I know exactly what you’re talking about. Oddly enough I do have a poster of them on my wall. Has there ever been a point in your career when you thought that journalism wasn’t what you wanted to do?
Steven Smith:Um, never a point but it gets to the point where ‘OK, cool, I’ve done music, what’s next?’ Music really got my foot in the order and gave me the opportunity to interview more celebrities and actors. Like last week Keifer Sutherland came by and Bob Saget of all people. I like interviewing different styles of bands like Hip Hop acts, even though I don’t get to do that, that often because in a nice way, you’re going to have better luck interviewing Hip Hop artists than I am because you’re a female. That may be reverse sexism but you don’t see to many dudes talking to Hip Hop artists they like interviews with women better. That’s true.
Steven Smith:I like talking to….I’ve had a couple of authors on and some old school photographers. I just like to geek out on it because you realize that not everybody is as interested as you.
So does that make interesting TV? That’s not my job, that’s somebody else’s job. But um, there is this book called Work For a Reason and it talks about, if you like 10% of your job then you have a great job because there is a lot of bullshit that goes along with it. Sometimes you can get jaded, annoyed but for the most part, you started doing it because it’s fun. That’s what I remind myself. Yeah, and I mean there are times when you interview bands and they don’t give a shit about what your talking about and it makes the interview tough. Its times like that when you’re like…goddamn.
Steven Smith:With those people you just have to go, “Why did you even bother coming here?” Then they feel bad and they get nice real quick. If you don’t want to talk then go away. Believe me, I’ll be here if you are or not. Yeah, if you have better things to do then we can just talk later.
Steven Smith:Or not at all. Polite way of putting it, definitely. And, how do you keep your interview questions fresh, because I have trouble with that sometimes, I catch myself becoming repetitive. How do you make it interesting all the time?
Steven Smith:2 things, I embraced repetition and I hired a writer. Oh that’s a good way!
Steven Smith:Beside the rock show, I have 6 other shows going on. So I can’t, I would love to I mean I really would love to sit there and write questions for everything, but I can’t. I hired the former music editor from Alternative Press, as my writer. That’s their job, to write our scripts. Since he’s a journalist, it’s what we needed. He’s a rock critique so…..Oh shit its Tokyo Hotel….Sorry I’m interviewing Tokyo Hotel on TV. That’s on today, right? I’m T-VOing it
Steven Smith:Look I’m wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt, how weird is that? What a coincidence! What would you say is the best and worst part of being a VJ?
Steven Smith:That part is obviously getting to do what you love, and getting to talk to bands, you know. Kind of being like a professional fan. The worst part is, no matter how cool and or nice and or cooperative you are, if you say ‘No’ once, you are labeled a diva and difficult. Are you kidding me? What?
Steven Smith:And that’s across the board, it doesn’t even matter. Then there are some guys that are way easier to work with than me, and I’m not saying I’m difficult or I’m hard, it’s just across the board. That the word No should be illuminated from your vocabulary.
Steven Smith:It’s one of those things where it’s like no matter what…there are fans who think I write the show and I book the bands, but I don’t because my job is to talk to the bands and present the show. So if you say ‘No’ you have to remember that it’s your back field that keeps you going. I’m really close to my team and it’s them that keep me going. We all are very specific about what’s going on. You’re very involved in your show, and you do whatever you can.
Steven Smith:I’m actually the executive producer which is pretty cool. Yeah and I think that’s what I think makes the show …you know, it brings it to life and it makes it good. There is only so much you can do, and you do your part and you do a great job at it.
Steven Smith:You’re too smart for 17. Oh man, thank you. I do my dimwitted things.
Steven Smith:Believe me, when I was 17, I was a moron. Even now. No, not at all! Looking back to when you started, what advice would you give yourself?
Steven Smith:That um, the same advice I give to myself today. Someone told me that, this how you are, “Ready, fire, aim” That’s how I am. It’s a good way to be, but the best advice is don’t get in your own way. That’s good advice too! We have two questions that asks all of our interviewees: First, which of the following have you experienced, have you seen the face of god, Seen a ghost or had an alien encounter?
Steven Smith:Let’s see…what did Ville say, because he’s done a lot more drugs than I have.Ha! Kidding! I bet a lot of people give comedic answers so I’ll give you a serious one. I’m reading a lot of Buddhist stuff and there is a line that the face of God is in the heart of every human being. Oh wow that’s a good one. Best answer I’ve gotten for that.
Steven Smith:I can’t even say I came up with that one. It’s actually a Japanese comic book, and writer. It’s like 8 volumes. It’s pretty cool. What’s the name of that series?
Steven Smith:It’s called Buddha. It’s by Osamu Tezuka. Have you ever wondered why all Japanese Manga and Aname all look alike? Why is that?
Steven Smith:Cause this guys Osamu, he’s like the godfather, he’s drew people like that.
Are you series? Back in the 90’s or late 80s but yeah, he’s pretty important guy in the comic book world. Whoa so he pretty much laid down the stencil for all mange. Did you go to comic con this year?
Steven Smith:I had a ticket but I passed, because we have this show called the Weekly Riff and we had shooting so I couldn’t make it in time. Aw man. I was pretty amped to see the whole Watchmen thing going on this year. It was pretty intense.
Steven Smith:Wow, did you read The Watchmen? Yeah, I did, it’s actually one of my favorite graphic novels.
Steven Smith:It’s a great comic book….look at you, at 17! Ha! It’s a very thought provoking comic book. I consider it more a novel.
Steven Smith:Yeah, I have every issue of The Watchmen. Oh man, really? I bought the trade.
Steven Smith:That’s all you need, is the trade. And Preacher! Preacher is one of my favorites.
Steven Smith:Ah, did you read the whole series? I did, that was my gateway comic actually. Made me fall in love with it.
Steven Smith:You’re going to make some geek very happy.
You want to hear about a really good comic that will teach you about journalism too? Which one?
Steven Smith:Transmetropolitan. Is that Garth Ennis as well? I picked up the first issue, I just have to continue reading. I need to go get that right now!
Steven Smith:It is, it’s Warren Ellis. You live in LA right? Yes I do.
Steven Smith:Where in LA? Redondo Beach.
Steven Smith:I love Redondo, I would move to Redondo in a second. There is one in Santa Monica…which comic book store do you go to? I go to one in Manhattan Beach called The Comic Bug. And then there is one in LA called Secret Stash.
Steven Smith:Yeah! That’s a great one, I go to that one. Yeah check out Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis and it’s just like Preacher. And Garth Ennis who did preacher, did Transmetropoliton. And he’s also doing a new one called The Boys. I picked that one up! It’s intense.
Steven Smith:Yeah, that one is terrifying. The Boys is good stuff.
How do you know about these comics? I just roamed around the comic book store and I picked this stuff and picked up the right one luckily.
Steven Smith:You know when you start doing this professionally I’m going to hand you my baton cause you’re already there. Oh man! That’s an honor! Yeah, the next set of people I want to interview is comic book writers.
Steven Smith:You’ll love it! I would love it. The latest stuff I’ve been reading into is the death of Captain America. But yeah, Transmetropolitan you will love. He is a journalist and he talks about how to be a journalist and there are some things in there that you’ll learn from him that I learned. That’s fascinating! And I’m reading Marvel Zombies right now as well, and that’s pretty intense.
Steven Smith:You know everybody has their thing, mine is zombies. I’m terrified of them. Yeah, it’s pretty damn gruesome.
Steven Smith:Yeah, I can’t do zombies. Last, what would surprise kids most to learn about you?
Steven Smith:That I was a ballet dancer. Ah no way! That’s so bad ass. So is my sister, she would be excited to know about that.
Steven Smith:Yeah, I was a dancer when I was a wee lad and in high school and when I was in LA I would skateboard to ballet class. Oh that is so cool! Do you still do it?
Steven Smith:When I moved to New York I got scared because people are good here. I need to do it though. It would be cool, just another talent under your belt.
Steven Smith:Nat, your interview was amazing! Thank you so much! I learned only from the best.
Steven Smith:You’re amazing! Amazing! Thank you so much! Talk to you soon!
Steven Smith:Bye!

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